Fall Into Fall FUN!
Pick-Your-Own Apples open weekends September 14th – last crop
The Apple Orchard has the largest, mouthwatering and juicy McIntosh & Cortland apples – perfect for apple pies!
Your paid admission to Davis Farmland or Davis Mega Maze gets you bushels of fun at a discount!
With paid admission to Farmland or the Mega Maze
1/2 peck is $9 and full peck is $14
Saturdays & Sundays 11-5 PM, last entry into the orchard is 4:45 PM.
Only Apple Picking Fun
1/2 peck is $15 and full peck is $20
Davis Farmland, Davis Mega Maze and PYO Apples are open weather and ground conditions permitting. Always call or check the web before heading out.