Field TripSField TripS

Check Back For 2025 School Field Trip Availability

Weekday School Groups
School Field Trips: (for ages 1-9 years) Our curriculum based experiences promise learning through FUN!

Self-Guided Animal Showcase Tour:
Includes a self-guided educational tour and hands-on animal encounters in the largest sanctuary of endangered farm animals in North America, unlimited play and learning in Imagine Acres, Adventureland, MooTown, USA and a tractor drawn hayride. Apple and pumpkin picking tours available in the fall.
$TBA  per person
One free working chaperone for every 5 paying children.

Guided Animal Showcase Tour:
Includes a guided educational tour and hands-on animal encounters in the largest sanctuary of endangered farm animals in North America, unlimited play and learning in Imagine Acres, Adventureland, MooTown, USA and a tractor drawn hayride. $TBA per person

One free working chaperone for every 5 paying children. Apple and pumpkin picking tours available in the fall.

Requirements for all Adventures

  • Field Trips are based on availability & require a 48 hr advance reservation and a minimum 16 paying guests.
  • One person is required to collect and make payment upon arrival for everyone in the group including parents and siblings. We accept cash, check or charge.
  • One working chaperone (18+) required for every 5 paying children and is admitted free into the farm. Davis Farmland & Mega Maze are open weather permitting.
  • School group field trips available weekdays in the spring & fall by availability.
  • Private outings are available. Asks for details.