FAQFarmland Conservancy

Farmland Conservancy

Your generous, tax-deductible donation will help feed and care for our most vulnerable and rare heritage farm animals.  These genetically superior breeds are incredibly vital to the future of all farm animals.

The Farmland Conservancy, Inc. is a non-profit that we created in 1995 for the express purpose of supporting and promoting the value and care of endangered farm animals.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of 5th generation family farmer, John Davis. Farmer John leaves a long-lasting legacy deep-rooted in family and farming.

Farmer John never stopped. Even at 85 years old, he would still show up to work 7 days a week, riding around on his scooter with his iconic warming smile and his sidekick, Sonic the Hedgehog. He and Sonic became an inseparable duo, spending hours every day interacting and engaging with guests. Nothing made him happier than seeing a smile on a child’s face or the look of amazement on an adult as they cuddled a baby or pet their first hedgehog. When he passed, he was snuggling in his hedgehog blanket.

The loss of Farmer John is immeasurable. His knowledge, his spirit, his legacy will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. While he is irreplaceable and we miss him terribly, we will continue to follow his example of creating lasting memories for children and their families.

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